Quality Control Module

Enhanced QA Across Radiology Ecosystems

BRIT’s Quality Control module enables facilities to build in quality reviews across their workflows with a powerful but easy-to-use study quality control interface. Because the interface is so accessible, QA reviews and peer reviews happen quickly, streamlining quality processes and seamlessly integrating quality into existing workflows.

Accessible and Efficient Quality Assurance

The accessibility of BRIT’s Quality Control module helps drive efficient quality performance across radiology ecosystems, creating value for both facilities and their patients.


Intuitive Interface

This module features an intuitive drag-and-drop user interface that delivers advanced study quality control. Pictured below, the interface allows the user to simply click a case’s corresponding thumbnail and drag it to the appropriate space for review, making it easy for the case review team to initiate image reviews before cases are sent to a radiologist.

radiologist uses BRIT system interface radiologist uses BRIT system interface

Peer Review

The module also features a peer review component with the capability for peer-to-peer requests and fulfillment, empowering radiologists to initiate and provide peer review themselves as facility protocol deems prudent.

radiologist peer review radiologist peer review

What else can this module do?

Easily remove bad or redundant images from a study for either Patient Safety or Quality reasons
Fully support DICOM IOCM to preserve the change manifest when exported to another PACS
Split or combine studies after they are acquired
Enable easy series view of each study
Drag-and-drop support for moving series or individual images between studies
Quality Control Module Quality Control Module

No Downtime Implementation

As with all of BRIT’s offerings, the Quality Control module is easily integrated with your existing infrastructure, including external imaging systems, meaning little to no downtime for implementation.

radiology tech smiles radiology tech smiles